Our integrated corporate social responsibility
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals have helped to guide our activities at DSD. Several of our investments reflect the fact that we are working systematically to achieve the goals.
When our vision says that we will create tomorrow's society, it commits us to developing a society we safely can entrust to future generations. We do this by managing values responsibly, and where the environment, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance, are fundamental factors that enable us to succeed with our long-term value creation.

We have been driving sustainable development of our investments since 1855. Much has changed since then, but contributing to more sustainable societies has always been a driver of our business. That is still our mission, but the content must change in line with new times and new societal challenges.
In our annual report, you will find a comprehensive overview of our business and operation, and a good description of our sustainability work.
DSD will be a driving force for sustainable development. We have been doing this since 1855, and we will continue to do so. We know that this is a continuous and long-term work. We want to make a difference we can be proud of. Therefore, we have defined three strategic areas where we believe we have the best conditions to make a positive difference for the people and society around us.
We will contribute to achieving the climate goals
We will contribute to local value creation and attractive jobs
We will contribute to good business practice through active corporate governance
The UN's sustainability goals have been a good framework and are a good guide for the choices and investments DSD makes. We have selected some specific goals from the UN's 17 Sustainability Goals, which we will focus on, and which will help us to work systematically every day to achieve our ambitions.
Each year DSD publishes an integrated financial and sustainability report. The first time we prepared such an ESG report was in 2021. This is a report we launched with pride, but also with humility.
Working for more sustainable solutions and having a conscious relationship with the surroundings around us is part of DSD's historical DNA. To serve and support society, alongside important regional projects and cooperate with others as well.
In the past year, we have worked to make our principles and ambitions within environmental, social and economic considerations more concrete, systematised and stated. We have summarized the results in this first, separate ESG report for the entire group, and we are pleased to present it here (in Norwegian only):
DSD is covered by the Norwegian Transparency Act, which came into force on 1 July 2022. The purpose of the act is for Norwegian companies to work for good working conditions and compliance with human rights in their value chains.
All businesses covered by the law are required to carry out due diligence assessments, and to report on these annually.
Here you can read DSD's statements as required by the Openness Act (in Norwegian Only):
DSD 2024 Reporting and due diligence assessments the Norwegian Transparency Act
DSD 2023 Reporting and due diligence assessments the Norwegian Transparency Act
We promote education, culture, good public health and a spirit of inquiry
"We consider it both a pleasure and a duty to play an active role in the society that we belong to. DSD has always supported, and will always continue to support, good causes, institutions, organisations and activities with a common goal: promoting education, culture, research and good public health. "

We support
We believe in making an active, valuable contribution to our local community and the wider region. We do that by supporting organisations and individuals that help to improve our society, both at the local and national level.
The Church City Mission
Since 2017, DSD has supported the important work done by the Church City Mission. The Church City Mission’s vision is to be there for the most vulnerable members of society, so that they are treated with respect, dignity and equity.The Church City Mission -
Stavanger Concert Hall
The new concert hall in Stavanger was opened in September 2012. Folke Hermansen, the former owner of DSD, wanted to support the cultural life of Stavanger, and DSD has continued to support the city’s concert hall ever since it was built.Stavanger Concert Hall -
The Folke Hermansen Foundation
DSD’s former owner and CEO Folke Hermansen died of cancer in 2006, and shortly before his death he established a charitable foundation. The foundation was given a NOK 50 million donation, and the annual return on investment goes to cancer research at Stavanger University Hospital.The Folke Hermansen Foundation -
The DSD Scholarship Fund
The purpose of DSD’s scholarship fund is to support pupils from St. Olav sixth-form college during their higher education. The scholarship can be awarded to one or more students with ties to the county of Rogaland who have taken their final school exams at St. Olav sixth-form college. It is intended for students who are studying, or who intend to study, a degree in economics/business studies at an educational institution outside the Nordic region. Applicants must state how they plan to use the scholarship, providing details of the university/college, the course, including its duration, and their expenses.The DSD Scholarship Fund -
Likestillingsprogrammet 50/50
DSD ønsker å bidra til lokal verdiskapning og attraktive arbeidsplasser. For å lykkes med det er vi opptatt av at det er like muligheter for både menn og kvinner til å være med å utvikle og gripe alle de mulighetene som finnes i regionen vår. DSD har derfor engasjert seg i Stavanger Næringsforening sitt Likestillingsprogram 50/50. Gjennom Næringsforeningens ressursgruppe 50/50 jobbes det for å øke andelen kvinner i styrer og ledelse i regionens virksomheter og inspirere selskaper som jobber med å balansere kjønnsfordelingen i leder- og styreverv.Likestillingsprogrammet 50/50 -
Youth Entrepreneurship Rogaland
DSD's vision is that together we create tomorrow's society, and that is exactly what we are doing through DSD and the collaboration with Youth Entrepreneurship. Youth Entrepreneurship is a non-profit, nationwide organization that, together with the education system, business and other actors, works to develop children and young people's creativity, joy of creation and self-belief.Youth Entrepreneurship Rogaland -
In 2022, DSD became a sponsor of the organization AKKS, which works for diversity and inclusion among young people in the music industry. DSD is their first sponsor, and our "project" in 2022 was the festival UFLAKKS. UFLAKKS is a concert series by and for young people. The goal of UFLAKKS is to teach young people how to organize concerts, increase the professional concert offer in Stavanger for young people, as well as promote and inspire young, promising local bands. This year we have gathered over 2,000 young people at our events.AKKS