DSD invests in infection prevention technology through Resani AS
DSD joins the team when the health technology company Resani AS raises NOK 15 million in fresh capital. Resani develops technology that revolutionizes how hospitals and healthcare institutions work with hand hygiene.

Kine Norland, Head of Growth and CEO Per Ivar Selvaag at Resani is looking forward to accelerating the sales and product development of their innovative infection technology.
The startup moved from Oslo to Stavanger in 2021, and the team is now located in Stavanger and Bergen with a total of 10 employees.
The goal of the technology is to strengthen infection control for both employees and patients. Among other things, this will be done by larger data sets predicting outbreaks of infection and making it possible to carry out infection tracking in real time.
In a pilot project at Sunnaas hospital in autumn 2022, the solution led to more employees meeting the requirements around hand hygiene with an increase from 25 per cent to 92 per cent during the project period.
In the long term, the dream is to work towards a future free of hospital bacteria. It will help save lives and reduce sickness absence and strengthen basic staffing at health institutions.
Two Stavanger owners
The majority owner "family management company" TD Veen, which in its time was started by Skagen co-founder Tor Dagfinn Veen, is now joined by another Stavanger investor, DSD, which manages the billion-dollar fortune after Folke Hermansen.
While TD Veen often invests in companies with a social profile or a clear environmental mandate, DSD searches more broadly (see fact box).
-TD Veen is very pleased to have DSD as a co-investor. They will contribute knowledge, networks and expertise that will assist Resani in its further growth, says Øyvind Schanke, investment director at TD Veen and chairman of Resani.
- The capital will be used for commercialization and product development, says Per Ivar Selvaag, CEO of Resani.
Selvaag comes from the position of head of Human Centered Design at Equinor, Data Science, and has a previous background as head of a Bay Area (California) based consulting company, as well as extensive experience as design executive for several renowned car companies.

The investment in Resani is part of DSD's strategy to grow within the health and health-related technology segment. The picture shows investment director at DSD, Kjartan Melberg. Photo: Thomas Haga.
- With the Covid-19 pandemic fresh in our minds, the need to ensure good infection control will become even more important both in Norway and the rest of the world in the years to come. We at DSD think that Resani's innovative dispenser products in hand disinfection stand out as both unique and attractive, and the company fits well into DSD's area of focus within health-related services, says Kjartan Melberg, investment director at DSD.
The health cluster Norwegian Smart Care Cluster Both Resani and DSD are active members of the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster. Resani recently took part in the EIRA accelerator programme, which they were very happy with.
- We gained an incredible amount from being part of this programme, especially the collection on capital raising where we received many useful tips and information about how and what investors are looking for. I can highly recommend EIRA, says Kine Norland, Head of Growth at Resani.